where the name came from
Mistakes made eventually become the gracious strength from the Lord to move forward again. Allowing your foundation to be established by Jesus, you have a solid anchor as you seek, find, and engage the freedom in every pocket of life. The grass is the same color on the other side, and we have to find a way to be content in our own yard. Connection is what we long for because it’s what we are beautifully and wonderfully made to do. And only by the Spirit, perspective, intentional risk and self-control, [to let go of control] will bear the good fruit to produce real change. Anyone becomes homeless without community, but hope survives as you become a vessel to share your faith serving others and be a living testimony.
“Ever wonder where homeless people got that black marker? Simply a name. What their sign said with that black marker? Simply a need. What they hope to get starting with a black marker? Change.”
Inspired by the homeless as a parallel of creating from the ground up, transformational transaction inspires BMD to give back to animal shelters in hopes to continue true change.